It really is a joy to hear from clients and their outcomes -

I hope you enjoy reading/hearing their stories. I hope they are of some comfort and inspire you to take that next step…

When I started working with Sabrina, I was in a really challenging period of my life and it felt like my past, especially my trauma was weighing me down. Choosing to work with Sabrina at that time was one of the best decisions I made. She is a skilled coach and RTT therapist and knows how to hold space for clients in a compassionate way that also challenges them to be better. She has helped me overcome so many negative and limiting beliefs and my life is truly changed because of her. If you are thinking of working with her, I would highly recommend it. It will change your life in the best way possible. Thank you again, Sabrina! I feel so lucky to have found a coach like you.


I approached Sabrina after a friend recommended her program, "The Dietless Life." Working with her has completely transformed my perspective on myself and my relationship with my body. My biggest “aha” moment came when I realized that I had always viewed my weight in terms of self-sabotage and punishment. Through this course, I discovered that my weight could be a form of protection. It felt incredibly freeing to thank my body for its efforts to protect me and give myself permission to move forward.

The most significant change I've noticed is my newfound curiosity. I find myself questioning my eating habits more than ever—asking myself why I'm eating, whether I'm rewarding old wounds, and if there's a better choice I could make. I’ve even started to consider whether a simple “I love you” might satisfy a craving instead of reaching for food.

Sabrina, you are truly amazing. Your nurturing style instantly drew me in. As a practitioner, you go beyond just listening; you create a connection where I felt seen, heard, and valued. You built a safe environment that allowed my anxieties to thaw, helping me share things I had long kept hidden. The personalized recordings you crafted from our sessions enriched my healing experience and supported my growth outside of our time together. In my years of healing work and therapy, I can honestly say that our sessions have provided me with a whole new perspective. It's only by examining things from multiple angles that I can determine the best path forward.

My transformation has not gone unnoticed by my family. My son remarked, "You used to be a sugar hound, but not so much anymore," and my husband expressed genuine surprise, asking, "When did we start buying so many vegetables?"

As a result of this journey, I am kinder to myself and much more curious about my choices. I would absolutely recommend Sabrina Perez Therapy and Coaching to anyone seeking profound change. I am extremely satisfied with the services and tools I’ve gained, which continue to enrich my life and understanding.

Thank you, Sabrina!


I approached Sabrina because I was going through a difficult time in life and knew I needed to find a way to work through my anxiety. Sabrina helped me by walking me through mind shifting tools to use when anxiety or limiting beliefs popped up, as well as helping me connect the dots to some of these limiting beliefs. The result was that I slowly stepped into a more healed version of myself.


One thing I really liked was the tapes Sabrina recorded for me to listen to every night! I found the experience to be so helpful and opened my eyes to all the ways I've been holding myself back. Sabrina was great! She's so patient and genuinely cares about you and your experience while working with her. She is such a calming and soothing presence with no judgment and a desire to really help you get to the root of the issue.


My biggest "aha" moment was realizing how so many of my subconscious thoughts were linked to experiences from childhood and young adulthood. The mind experiences something and then forms a belief that can either help or hinder you. In the end, the subconscious thoughts are trying to protect you, so you don't have to be too hard on yourself.


The biggest change I have noticed is my state of mind from when I first started until the end of the 3 months. I'm much more confident and sure of myself, and although I still step back into old patterns sometimes, it's easier and faster for me to work through it and get to the other side. I also have been doing the tapes Sabrina records each night, and they have helped me greatly with my anxiety. My life doesn't feel as 'down' as it did when we first started working together. I still struggle with anxiety sometimes, but it isn't nearly as bad as it was, and I'm able to regulate myself more easily using all of the tools Sabrina provided me with.


I would recommend Sabrina to people who need to change their mindset because she really helps with connecting the dots and rewiring your thought process. I didn’t expect to love the meditation tapes as much as I did! The whole experience was positive, and I will continue to use the tools I learned to keep growing!



  • Sabrina is a phenomenal Rapid Transformation Therapist. I wanted to live my authentic self and find those personality traits that I lost though life trauma. I wanted to be my whole self and break down my inhabitations that prevented me from being my true self. The whole experience was transformational. I found out what childhood experiences and trauma led to me losing my true self. I have noticed that I am no longer afraid of being open and I am not afraid to be the center of attention. Working with Sabrina was a great experience. She took me through my childhood to identify when I lost my true self. I start each day listening the RTT recording she made for me, and it puts me in the right frame of mind and helps me to be whole again. I have more confidence and I am not afraid to shine, I am able to be my true self. I am extremely satisfied and would recommend Sabrina’s services to anyone who is looking for transformational change. Thank you, Sabrina, for your help!

    Coleen Gose

  • Sabrina is a remarkable woman who has overcome many traumas and conquered every hurdle that life has laid out before her. She is a certified Life Coach and is a certified Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) therapist.

    She helps men and women who struggle with confidence and/or self-love gain clarity on their limiting beliefs so they may find the answers that have always been within them. I’ve struggled with imposter syndrome and issues surrounding my relationship with my body image myself, so I know how painful and frustrating it can be and how important her work is.

    But what I most appreciate about Sabrina Perez is her authenticity and passion for helping others. I have used her RTT services, and I can say that she is truly in tune with her own body and mind so that she could be in tune with mine. Her heart centered work really shined through and made my session relaxing and meaningful.

    If you are struggling with any form of limiting beliefs that are holding you back or keeping you stuck and you would like clarity and help to eliminate them, she will help you find freedom and peace with whatever you are struggling with.


  • Sabrina and I were talking about how her adventures were going with helping others with RTT, and I was curious to give it a try. I was experiencing the challenge of allowing my old bias thoughts around my weight and body image to speak existence into my current life. I was feeling out of control of my choices. I need to remain in control of ME. To let the world around me be what it is but stay in control of my thoughts and feelings so that I may continue to bless my body. I found the experience to be peaceful and eye-opening. Sabrina is so open and non-judgmental. She brings calmness into the space that makes this experience "normal." Sabrina is AMAZING! She has the biggest heart and has a soul that you want to hug! She is very professional and warm at the same time. A talent that does not come easy or natural to most people. I would recommend this practice for anyone who needs clarity of WHY they are making the choices they are making so that they may let go of those past biases and free themselves to make current, healthier choices regarding their heart, body, mind, and/or soul. OOOOH WEEEE! If I did not seek help with Sabrina, I would be a hot mess on skates. I am now more aware of the choices that I am making in the moment. Even if the option is not the "best" now, it is MINE to make. This feeling is so freeing.

    Michelle Tallmadge

  • Hey Sabrina,

    Just wanted to let you know that my neck has been improving ever since our session and today I noticed that my range of motion is almost perfect and it’s almost pain free :) it’s amazing how fast this works!!

    You’re an amazing therapist. Thank you so much.

    You can use this as a testimonial. And you can add that I had this pain for over 6 months.

    Warm regards

    Zuzka Light

  • I approached Sabrina because I was experiencing difficulty moving forward in my business and in asking for payment. As a result of Sabrina's gentle, caring nature and her wonderful skill with hypnosis, I've had some deep revelations during and after the session which have been very insightful. I was amazed at the things that came up for me. It's only been a couple of weeks, however, I'd happily recommend Sabrina to anyone ready for change because I know the work she does works. I feel more comfortable reaching out to people for more exposure already and I feel more ready to present what I offer and put a value on it. – Lucy

  • I approached Sabrina because I was having performance anxiety in the bedroom. Sabrina helped me by rewriting my subconscious so that I could connect my sexuality with my desire for intimacy and relinquish the fear of intimacy that was plaguing my relationship. The result was a boost in performance and confidence in and out of the bedroom and a deeper relationship with myself and a satisfied partner. One thing I really liked was having a created audio that I could listen to whenever I wanted. I found the experience to be very smooth and relaxing regarding the transition from old self to new self. I would recommend Sabrina to people who need subconscious rewiring of old beliefs into new ones because sometimes those old beliefs can feel stubborn when dealing with them on your own. It’s great to have someone outside of you to give you perspective and to help you release them since they are your beliefs, and we tend to unconsciously defend what we take ownership of. The whole experience was worth it and one I would not hesitate to go through again for any breakthroughs I desire in the future. - SB

I came to Sabrina because I was struggling through my grief and also letting go of control and needing to know the answers all the time...doubting my own intuition in life. I was feeling heavy and weighed down. I wanted to move forward towards my full potential but felt blocked.

Sabrina helped me find Inner peace! My inner peace is front and center. I don't worry about what's going to happen next or need the answers. I go with the flow more and take things as they are. I can be in a chaotic surrounding and just say ok, not for me, and walk away without feeling bad for the other person or guilt on my end. It's a refreshing feeling. It's ok to say no, to set healthy boundaries, and to not always need to know the outcome of things.

I still grieve my loved ones of course, but I allow myself to feel the feelings when they come up and then move on without questioning why I just had an emotional moment. Having inner peace, acceptance and letting go of control have been a major shift that I've felt.

I really liked it when in my coaching sessions she took me back to clarity every time we talked about what I was struggling with, she gave me the tools to loop my thoughts to be working for me and not against me.

People have noticed my transformation since working with Sabrina, they say "You are a Beacon of light" is what keeps getting brought up to me or "you have this energy about you and your voice is so calming" that was most recent.

Working with Sabrina was so easy, it was like talking with a friend. She's amazing, calming and I felt safe.

I highly recommend Sabrina Perez Therapy and Coaching.


I approached Sabrina because I was struggling with challenges in almost every aspect of my life. I was stuck in a depressive state and trapped in a toxic lifestyle.

Sabrina helped me by creating a safe, non-judgmental space where I could explore the deeper parts of myself. Through our sessions, I discovered that I truly do love myself and am worthy of love and happiness. The result was a shift in my ability to set boundaries, give myself grace, and live with more intention.

One thing I really liked was her flexibility—whether we met virtually or in person, the impact was just as profound.

I feel happier, stronger, and more alive than I have in a long time.

I highly recommend Sabrina to people who need help breaking free from toxic patterns and finding their self-worth. The whole experience was transformational, and I am extremely satisfied with the services.


I approached Sabrina because I needed help with relationship issues, especially as I was pregnant and wanted to feel more at peace. We explored some early childhood memories during our session, and the transformation I experienced was truly soothing. I often felt so relaxed that I almost fell asleep, but the impact was undeniable.

The biggest "aha" moment for me was realizing that I could simply let go and trust what comes. Since then, I've noticed that I'm much more relaxed, positive, and easygoing about everyone and everything. Working with Sabrina was a very pleasant and calming experience, and she made me feel comfortable throughout.

This transformation has had a huge impact on my life in so many ways, and I would highly recommend Sabrina to anyone looking to resolve physical or emotional issues. She’s a total game-changer! I'm extremely satisfied with the services.


I approached Sabrina because, for years, I struggled with impostor syndrome and perfectionism. These issues left me feeling out of place and unable to fully step into my power. After trying coaching, therapy, and meditation without success, I discovered RTT and decided to work with Sabrina.

Sabrina truly understood what I was going through and helped me identify the root causes of these challenges. She created a safe, supportive space for me to explore and heal. One of the things that stood out was the personalized meditation routine she crafted for me, which has been key in reprogramming my mind.

As a result, I’ve noticed a significant boost in my confidence and in what I feel capable of offering. While I’m still working on it, I can honestly say I feel much more self-assured. Sabrina is a true professional, answering all my questions and making the whole process seamless. I’m already looking forward to coming back for another round of work later this year. If you’re considering working with her, you won’t regret it!


Always such a pleasure to hear and see such a shift in my client’s, and Stephanie is no exception.

Feel free to take a moment and hear what she has to say about her personal experience.

Sabrina is dedicated to providing a safe and supportive space for all her clients to explore, grow, and thrive. Contact Sabrina today to begin your journey toward healing and personal development.